Iron Deficiency Anemia                       

What is Iron deficiency anemia?


When your body through the stock iron (needed for the production of red blood cells) is exhausted then we talk about

iron deficiency anemia.

This condition develops slowly, since it takes several months before the stock of iron in your body is. If this is done, the bone marrow gradually less red blood cells produce. The red blood cells are then not only fewer in number, but also smaller in shape.

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are the same as iron deficiency and anemia.


In case of excessive blood loss is the most common cause excessive blood loss. Therefore, as usually immediately determine where the bleeding occurs.

With chronic blood loss is the amount of iron in the diet is usually not achieved sufficient blood loss supplement. In addition, the body is only a small reserve supply of iron has. This reserve stock should be replenished with iron preparations.

Usually it takes 3-6 weeks before the iron preparations the reserves have topped iron, even if the bleeding (the cause) is stopped.

Most iron preparations take you in the mouth, about half an hour before breakfast with a glass of orange juice or a vitamin C tablet. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption.

Iron preparations should generally be used for 6 months after the blood cell count returns to normal before the body stores iron is replenished. There are periodic blood tests to check that you have enough iron available.


Aplastic anemia: when the bone marrow stops functioning

Your leg mountain contains stem cells that develop into mature blood cells and platelets. If the stem cells are damaged, the bone marrow does not perform this function, we speak of bone marrow.

If anemia bone marrow occurs is called 'aplastic anemia'.

Causes of aplastic anemia:

    An autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the cells in the bone marrow suppressed (this is the most common cause)

    Infection with parvovirus

    Exposure to radiation

    chemotherapy drugs and other drugs (such as chloramphenicol)

    Exposure to toxic substances (such as benzene)

Bone marrow failure leads to a shortage of

    red blood cells (anemia)

        Symptoms: pale skin, weakness and fatigue

    white blood cells (leucopenia)

        Symptoms: increased susceptibility to infections

    platelets (thrombocytopenia)

        Symptoms: you get faster bruising and bleeding

In some patients, only the production of red blood cells affected (pure red cell aplasia "called), especially when the cause of an infection with parvovirus located. The diagnosis of aplastic anemia "is made when microscopic examination of a bone marrow sample (beenmergbiopt) shows that the number of stem cells and maturation of blood cells significantly decreased.

Patients with aplastic anemia will quickly die if not treated immediately. With transfusions of red blood cells and platelets, and the administration of substances known as 'growth factors', the numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets temporarily rise. Young patients and middle-aged patients with aplastic anemia with stem cell or bone marrow transplantation cured. Elderly and patients without suitable bone marrow donors often respond well to treatment with corticosteroids and drugs that suppress the immune system.